Halli kassi perekond Gray Cat Family


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Perkin is particular about selecting high quality groceries. If he hears about some good quality groceries, he will go and purchase them himself, even if he has to travel long distances. Everyone in the village admires his commitment to quality, but his family gets a little tired of it.

Dorothy's hobby is baking, and she tries baking lots of new recipes on days off. She asks the children to try them and asks their opinions, then uses the children's opinions in her next attempts. She says the children's opinions are surprisingly shrewd, and are very useful to her when making new creations.

Austin is good at making schedules and is never late when he has arranged to meet someone. He decides where and when to meet when he plays together with his friends. He is normally very calm, but tends to get into a fluster if plans are suddenly changed because someone has slept in.

Zara actively helps her mother. She is good at cleaning and doing the laundry but not very good at cooking and sewing, so she would like to be better at them. She learns most things from her mother, but sometimes also asks other mothers for advice.

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